Expert: Taiwan in Urgent Need of Army National Guard to Counteract Beijing’s Invasion

An American expert on military and international affairs re-emphasized in an interview with The Epoch Times that Taiwan must create its own army national guard to survive China’s military attack, following his proposition of this idea on the site of The Federalist on June 1. This theory comes as the Chinese communist regime has intensified its effort […]

Expert: Taiwan in Urgent Need of Army National Guard to Counteract Beijing’s Invasion
An American expert on military and international affairs re-emphasized in an interview with The Epoch Times that Taiwan must create its own army national guard to survive China's military attack, following his proposition of this idea on the site of The Federalist on June 1. This theory comes as the Chinese communist regime has intensified its effort to change the status quo of the Taiwan Strait by sending increased warplanes to swarm around Taiwan and repeatedly intrude Taiwan's air defense identification zone (ADIZ). Chuck DeVore, a retired military intelligence officer, was the former special assistant for foreign affairs in the Office of the Secretary of Defense during the Reagan era. He co-authored the book China Attacks (in English and Chinese), a technothriller novel about a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. He served as a member of the California State Assembly from 2004 to 2010. Currently, he is the vice president of national initiatives at the ...