Chinese Students Emulate CCP Revolutionary Mode, ‘Collective Shout’ for Air-Conditioning

When high summer temperatures hit several areas of China, college students in the provinces of Henan and Hunan living in school dormitories, shouted their demands for the installation of air-conditioning. The authorities feared that students would launch a campaign by imitating “revolutionary predecessors experience” from a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda TV drama. Even under […]

Chinese Students Emulate CCP Revolutionary Mode, ‘Collective Shout’ for Air-Conditioning
When high summer temperatures hit several areas of China, college students in the provinces of Henan and Hunan living in school dormitories, shouted their demands for the installation of air-conditioning. The authorities feared that students would launch a campaign by imitating "revolutionary predecessors experience" from a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda TV drama. Even under 40 degree (104 degrees Fahrenheit) temperatures, six to eight students are crammed into one dormitory room with only a tiny fan to cool them down. Unable to sleep or study in such heat, students at Henan University of Science and Technology held a "collective shouting" in the dormitory on June 9. Mass appeals then happened at Hunan and other universities. Students talked about the events on Weibo, which drew a lot of public attention. With little to no concern for the students' welfare during extremely hot weather, the CCP authorities focused elsewhere. A picture of ...