Italy Rejects Chinese COVID-19 Vaccines as China Admits They’re Less Effective Against Delta Variant

Italy has joined a growing list of countries casting doubt on Chinese-made COVID-19 vaccines. Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi told reporters at the end of a European Union summit on June 22: “The Chinese vaccine … has shown itself not to be adequate. You can see that from Chile’s experience of tackling the epidemic.” More than […]

Italy Rejects Chinese COVID-19 Vaccines as China Admits They’re Less Effective Against Delta Variant
Italy has joined a growing list of countries casting doubt on Chinese-made COVID-19 vaccines. Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi told reporters at the end of a European Union summit on June 22: "The Chinese vaccine ... has shown itself not to be adequate. You can see that from Chile's experience of tackling the epidemic." More than half of the Chilean population has received the Chinese-made Sinovac vaccines, yet the efficacy rate has reportedly been 16 percent after the first dose and 67 percent after a second dose. Chile is among the top 10 countries worst-hit by COVID-19. On June 24, Feng Zijian, researcher and former deputy director at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, admitted in an interview on Chinese state-run media CCTV that the Chinese-made vaccines don’t produce enough antibodies and are less effective against the Delta variant—formerly known as the Indian variant—of the virus. The Delta variant caused 85 ...