France, in Reaction to Closure of Hong Kong’s Apple Daily, Says Attached to Press Freedom

PARIS—France is attached to the freedom and plurality of the press, government spokesman Gabriel Attal told reporters on Wednesday, when asked about Hong Kong pro-democracy tabloid Apple Daily’s decision to print its last edition later this week. Apple Daily will print its last edition on June 24, after a stormy year in which it was […]

France, in Reaction to Closure of Hong Kong’s Apple Daily, Says Attached to Press Freedom
PARIS—France is attached to the freedom and plurality of the press, government spokesman Gabriel Attal told reporters on Wednesday, when asked about Hong Kong pro-democracy tabloid Apple Daily's decision to print its last edition later this week. Apple Daily will print its last edition on June 24, after a stormy year in which it was raided by police and its tycoon owner and other staff were arrested under a new national security law. The end of the popular 26-year-old tabloid, which mixes pro-democracy discourse with racy celebrity gossip and investigations of those in power, has raised alarm over media freedom and other rights in the Chinese-ruled city.